Of all the principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning we looked at in this module, which seem most intuitive to you? Which ones surprised you?
Contiguity Principle seemed the most intuitive to me. I’ve understood that plain text alone doesn’t engage leaner’s stimuli well and use of related visuals and texts can enhance the understanding of the information being presented. Likewise, redundancy and coherence principles are intuitive as well. Visuals and texts aid learning when used together but should not include distracting/ relevant elements. And extraneous or non-essential material should be excluded from multimedia learning to reduce cognitive overload on the students. Use of cues to guide the attention of students to certain relevant elements can enhance engagement and segmenting information into parts can help reduce cognitive load. The principles that were not as intuitive to me were modality and pretraining. I think did not initially think that certain sensory channels work better with certain learning material. Pre-training also surprised me, I initially thought it was the same thing as segmenting principle because you are essentially breaking up the material into parts to help students better understand the material sequentially.
Which principles did you have in mind when you were creating your screencast?
The principles I had in mind when creating my screen cast were segmenting principle, contiguity, coherence, redundancy, and signalling. Which were you able to employ and which were more challenging to follow?
I ended up employing segmenting, contiguity, coherence, and redundancy principles. I found it difficult to employ signalling due to the limited technology I was using to create my screen cast. If I was more knowledgeable with technology I could employ more effective signalling to my screen cast.
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