Hi Katoo! I very much agree with your the content of your blog post, more specifically about the worry that AI will takeover society. The truth is that AI can easily perform certain human tasks that would otherwise take hours in a matter of seconds. It is futile to complete with AI, instead we should learn to develop and harness its capabilities. I am excited to see the future of AI!
Hi Yeil!
I found your explanation of the learning principles to be very detailed and well put together. I also played League of Legends growing up so I completely understand all the references and I liked how you put your own personal touch to this module.
Hello Katoo, I thought your blog post was very informative and your screen cast was very well made. As someone who also has ADHD, I agree that learning material that is short and simple but still contains a hook is the best way for me to be engaged in learning. Your screen cast does a good job incorporating the design principles that you talked about in your blog post.
Hi Yeil, I thought your info graphic was really well made and demonstrated your learning of the design principles. You stuck with a handful colors and singular font and effectively used contrast and hierachy to display your talking points on your infographic.
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